Dr. Dawn Morton, Ed.D.
Publications and Presentations
Dr. Dawn Morton
Ashland Theological Seminary
Ashland, OH
May 2017
I Grew Up with Two Women Pastors, April 25, Gifted for Leadership: Women Called to Ministry. http://www.christianitytoday.com/gifted-for-leadership/2016/april/i-grew-up-with-two-women-pastors.html
The Impact of Mentoring: What Legacy Will You Leave Behind? in the Table, Ashland Theological Seminary, Summer Issue: (2012): 3-5.
“Adjunct Faculty Embraced: The Responsibility of the Institution,” Christian Education Journal, Fall (2012): 396-407.
“Embracing Faith-Learning Integration in Christian Higher Education,” Ashland Theological Journal, 36 (2004): 63-72.
Women in Church Leadership Roles Bibliography, 2010, for IT500 Introduction to Theological Education course, Ashland Theological Seminary.
Christian Education Bibliography, 2009, updated 2010, updated 2015, for Christian Formation courses, Ashland Theological Seminary.
Asian-American Christian Education Bibliography, 2010, updated 2015, for Christian Formation courses, Ashland Theological Seminary.
African-American Christian Education Bibliography, 2009, updated 2010, updated 2015, for Christian Formation courses, Ashland Theological Seminary.
Ashland Theological Seminary Blog: Are You Called and Devoted to Teaching? (February 2, 2015) http://www.thetableblog.net/news/a-calling-to-teach/
April 23, 2015, Teaching and Discipleship Through Operation Christmas Child, http://dmorto8.wix.com/dmorton53#!Teaching-and-Discipleship-through-Operation-Christmas-Child/c1jol/1
April 23, 2015, Time to Refresh: Time to Teach, http://dmorto8.wix.com/dmorton53#!Time-to-Refresh-Time-to-Teach/c1jol/2
April 29, 2015, Teaching the “Full” Great Commission, http://dmorto8.wix.com/dmorton53#!Teaching-the-Full-Great-Commission/c1jol/55418e930cf21fee13585e66
May 8, 2015, The Teaching Trunk, http://dmorto8.wix.com/dmorton53#!The-Teaching Trunk/c1jol/554ced110cf24874171cb487
May 20, 2016, “Run the Race” Includes Women, http://dmorto8.wix.com/dmorton53#!Run-the-Race-Includes-Women/c1jol/573f5e6b0cf2a9c30e5d5f45
June 28, 2017, Leadership Costs, http://dmorto8.wixsite.com/dmorton53/single-post/2017/06/28/Leadership-Costs
Book Reviews
Seymour, Jack L. 2014. Teaching the way of Jesus: Educating Christians for faithful living. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press.; Seymour, Jack L. 2015. Teaching biblical faith: Leading small group Bible studies. By Jack L. Seymour. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press.; Shortt, John. 2014. Bible-shaped teaching. By John Shortt. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock. Three books in a review - Christian Education Journal, Spring 2016.
DeVries and Nate Stratman. 2014. Building Your Volunteer Team: A 30-Day Change Project for Youth Ministry. Downer’s Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press. – Journal of Youth Ministry - Book Review.
Watkins, Ralph Basui. 2011. Hip-Hop Redemption: Finding God in the Rhythm and the Rhyme. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books. The Journal of Youth Ministry, Volume 13, No. 1. (Fall 2014): 144-145.
Manby, Joel. 2012. Love Works: Seven Timeless Principle’s for Effective Leaders. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Christian Education Journal (Spring 2014): 214-218.
Wiersbe, Warren W., General Editor. 2009. The Transformation Study Bible, NLT. Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook. Christian Education Journal (Spring 2012): 241-244.
Aukerman, John H. 2011. Discipleship That Transforms: An Introduction to Christian Education from a Wesleyan Holiness Perspective. Christian Education Journal: The Profession of Teaching Christian Ed (Fall 2012): 430-432.
Yount, William R. 2010. Created to Learn: A Christian Teacher’s Introduction to Educational Psychology, 2nd edition. Nashville, TN: Broadman and Holman Publishing Group. Christian Education Journal (Fall 2011): 444-446.
Lindley, Susan Hill and Eleanor J. Stebner, ed. 2008. The Westminster Handbook ot Women in American Religious History. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press. Ashland Theological Journal (2011): 170-172.
Conde-Frazier, Elizabeth, S. Steve Kang, and Gary A. Parrett. 2004. A Many Colored Kingdom: Multicultural Dynamics for Spiritual Formation. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic. Ashland Theological Journal (2010): 151-153.
Garner, Stephen Chapin. 2008. Getting into Character: The Art of First-Person Narrative Preaching. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press. Ashland Theological Journal (2010): 160-162.
Borgmann, Albert. 2003. Power Failure: Christianity in the Culture of Technology. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press. Ashland Theological Journal (2009):188-190.
Briggs, Richard. 2003. Reading the Bible Wisely. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic. Ashland Theological Journal (2009): 174-175.
Garland, David E. and Diana R. Garland. 2007. Flawed Families of the Bible.: How God’s Grace Works through Imperfect Relationships. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press. Ashland Theological Journal (2009): 193-194.
Hull, Judith St. Clair. 2006. Strategies for Educating African American Children. Chicago, IL: Urban Ministries. Christian Education Journal (Spring 2009): 145-148.
Morgan, Robert J. 2003. Evidence and Truth: Foundations for Christian Truth. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books. Ashland Theological Journal (2009): 186-187.
Myers, Joseph R. 2007. Organic Community: Creating a Place Where People Naturally Connect. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books. Ashland Theological Journal (2009): 190-191.
The GuideOne Center for Risk Management. 2008. The Missing Ministry: Safety, Risk Management, and Protecting Your Church. Loveland, CO: Group. Christian Education Journal (2009): 421-424.
Walton, John H., Mark L. Strauss, and Ted Cooper, Jr. 2005. The Essential Bible Companion: Key Insights for Reading God’s Word. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Ashland Theological Journal (2009): 147-148.
Ward, Pete. 2002. Liquid Church. Peabody, MASS: Hendrickson Publishers. Ashland Theological Journal (2009): 191-192.
Borgman, Dean. 1997. When Kumbaya Is Not Enough: A Practical Theology for Youth Ministry. Peabody, Mass: Hendrickson Publishers. Ashland Theological Journal (2008): 110-111.
Christenson, Larry. 2005. Answering Your Questions About Speaking in Tongues. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House. Ashland Theological Journal (2008): 92-93.
Jones, L. Gregory and Stephanie Paulsell, eds. 2002. The Scope of Our Art: The Vocation of the Theological Teacher. Grand Rapid, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. Ashland Theological Journal (2008): 111-112.
Smith, Phil and Eric Thurman. 2007. A Billion Bootstraps: Microcredit, Barefoot Banking, and the Business Solution for Ending Poverty. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education. Christian Education Journal (2008): 473-477.
Ward, Pete. 1999. God at the Mall: Youth Ministry that Meets Kids Where They’re At. Peabody, Mass: Hendrickson Publishers. Ashland Theological Journal (2008): 114-115.
Christian Education Publications
“Children’s Drama Segments” for “Celebrate! Children’s Musical: Exploring God’s Creation,” Music by Dr. Ron Sprunger, 2003.
Each New Day: God’s Promises are New Each Morning Devotional by Ashland Theological Seminary, Contributed Day 5: Jesus Christ, the Same, Yesterday, and Forever, Hebrews 13:8, Ashland Theological Seminary, 2015.
Thirty Days of Thanks Devotional: Day 22: I Thessalonians 5:18. (p. 25). Ashland Theological Seminary, 2014.
Women at Southern: A Walk Through Psalms, Devotional: The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2010. Contributed one passage.
Editing/Indexing Publications
Coleman, Wanda, 2015-2016. Taking Off the Makeup: Loving Yourself as God Loves You. Editing book.
Durkin, Marsha, 2012. Of Sheep or Goats? Edited Bible curriculum.
Morton, Russell, 2011. Catalog for Words that Changed the World. Ashland, OH: Ashland Theological Seminary.
Morton, Russell, 2011. A Short History of the Bible in English. Ashland, OH: Ashland Theological Seminary.
Watson, Joann Ford. 2010. Selected Spiritual Writings of Anne Dutton, Volume 6: Various Works. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press.
Watson, Joann Ford. 2007. Selected Spiritual Writings of Anne Dutton: Eighteenth – Century, British-Baptist, Woman Theologian, Volume 5: Miscellaneous Correspondence. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press.
Morton, Russell S. 2007. One Upon the Throne and the Lamb: A Tradition – Historical – Theological Analysis of Revelation 4 – 5. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing.
Watson, Joann Ford. 2007. Selected Spiritual Writings of Anne Dutton: Eighteenth – Century, British-Baptist, Woman Theologian, Volume 4: Theological Works. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press.
Watson, Joann Ford. 2006. Selected Spiritual Writings of Anne Dutton: Eighteenth – Century, British-Baptist, Woman Theologian, Volume 3: Autobiography. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press.
Watson, Joann Ford. 2003. Selected Spiritual Writings of Anne Dutton: Eighteenth – Century, British-Baptist, Woman Theologian, Volume 2: Discourses, Poetry, Hymns, Memoir. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press.
Watson, Joann Ford. 2003. Selected Spiritual Writings of Anne Dutton: Eighteenth – Century, British-Baptist, Woman Theologian, Volume 1: Letters. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press.
Keynote Speaker, "Student Engagement," ACCESS Christian Online Distance Education, March 2017, Biola University, LaMarida, CA
Youth Development - Educational Psychology, Brethren Church Youth Leader Training, February 11, 2017, Ashland Theological Seminary.
Operation Christmas Child Devotion, Diamond Hills Baptist Church, Mansfield, OH, November 12, 2016
SPCE Society of Professors in Christian Education, Rosen Shingle Creek Resort, Orlando, FL, October 26-30
Lecture: The Call to Disciplemaking, Millersburg United Methodist Church, July 20, 2016.
Northeast Ohio Doctor of Ministry Symposium Panelist, Cleveland, OH, April 23, 2016
Devotional Speaker, Cleveland Alumni and Friends, ATS event, April 7, 2016.
Preached for Dianna Barr’s ordination service, “Jeremiah 1:5-10,” Mansfield, OH, December 13, 2015. (DMin Student)
Encompass Speaker (School of Ministry), “Discipleship and Leadership,” Mansfield, OH, December 12, 2015.
Leadership Summit, “Clarity of Mission in Youth Ministry: Essential Foundations for Healthy Church Growth,” Cleveland, OH, November 7, 2015.
Chapel Speaker, “What Kind of Salt Shaker Are You?”, Ashland Theological Seminary, Cleveland Center, October 2014.
“3 Keys to Becoming the Best Teacher Possible” October 2014, Ohio Christian Education Association (OCEA) Conference, Malone College, Canton, OH.
“So You Want to Go to Seminary?” October 2014, Ohio Christian Education Association (OCEA) Conference, Malone College, Canton, OH.
SPCE Conference, Washington DC, Teaching: The Adjunct’s Responsibility for Professional Growth, October 2014. Taught two workshops.
Chapel Speaker, “You Can Make A Difference!,” Ashland Theological Seminary, Ashland Center, February 2014.
WVMC Radio in Ashland, Mansfield, and Wooster; interview for Operation Christmas Child, 2013.
Mansfield TV, Interview for Operation Christmas Child, 2013.
Richlandsource.com – Interview for online newspaper for Operation Christmas Child, 2013.
Mansfield News Journal – Interview for Operation Christmas Child, 2013.
“A Story of Christian Education,” presented at a Teacher’s Appreciation Luncheon, United Church of Huntington, Wellington, OH, October 6, 2013
Child Protection Training, Ontario Free Methodist Church, Mansfield, OH, Aug 11, 2013.
Ashland Theological Seminary, Chapel Speaker, “Pass the Baton,” 2012.
Child Protection Training, Ontario Free Methodist Church, Mansfield, OH, April 29, 2012.
“So You Want to Go to Seminary?” March 2012, Ohio Christian Education Association (OCEA) Conference, Akron, OH.
“3 Keys to Becoming the Best Teacher Possible” March 2012, Ohio Christian Education Association (OCEA) Conference, Akron, OH.
“Conference Theme: Transformed by His Word and Spirit”, co-taught with Dr. Russell Morton, March 2012, Ohio Christian Education Association (OCEA) Conference, Akron, OH. Taught two times at the conference.
Faculty Devotions, Ashland Theological Seminary, Ashland, OH, January 2012.
Child Protection Training, Ontario Free Methodist Church, Mansfield, OH, Oct. 1, 2011
Child Protection Training, Ontario Free Methodist Church, Mansfield, OH, May 1, 2011.
“Emmaus Talk #9, Heart of Ohio Emmaus, Women’s Walk, as Assistant Spiritual Director, April 7-10, 2011.
“So You Want to Go to Seminary?” March 2011, Ohio Christian Education Association (OCEA) Conference, Akron, OH.
“Curriculum Design and Development,” March 2011, Ohio Christian Education Association (OCEA) Conference, Akron, OH.
Child Protection Training, Ontario Free Methodist Church, Mansfield, OH, Jan 30, 2011.
“Boot Camp 101: Basics of Children’s Ministry,” Core Community Church, Shelby, OH Jan 25, 2011.
Operation Christmas Child, Relay Center Presentation, West Salem, OH October 27, 2010.
Operation Christmas Child, Relay Center Presentation, Norwalk, OH, October 16, 2010.
“A New Family: A New Spirit, The Life of Paul,” Guest Preacher for Agape Chinese Church, Ashland, OH, September 19, 2010.
Women’s Speaker for the National Conference of Church of the Brethren, July 20, 2010.
Operation Christmas Child Representative for National Conference of Church of the Brethren, Ashland, OH July 19-22, 2010.
Kids’ Camp Teacher--Operation Christmas Child, Free Methodist Churches, July 12-16, 2010, Massillon, OH.
VBS Worship and Puppets, Faith Lutheran Church, Mt. Vernon, OH, June 20-24, 2010.
Child Protection Training, Ontario Free Methodist Church, Mansfield, OH, May 2, 2010.
“So You Want to Go to Seminary?”, March 19, 2010, Ohio Christian Education Association (OCEA) Conference, Akron, OH.
“Child Sexual Abuse and Prevention in the Church: 16 Steps of Prevention,” March 18, 2010, Ohio Christian Education Association (OCEA) Conference, Akron, OH.
Kid’s Camp Speaker, Minnesota Foursquare Camps, August 10-14, 2009.
Operation Christmas Child, Relay Center Training, Wooster Nazarene Church, November 11, 2008, Wooster, OH.
Puppet Training for Children, August, 2009, Faith Lutheran Church, Mt. Vernon, OH
Operation Christmas Child, State of Ohio Specialist Training, “Collection Center” July 19, 2008, Ontario Free Methodist Church, Mansfield, OH.
Devotions at Detroit Extension for New Testament Students, Summer Course 2008.
Women’s Retreat, “Drama Monologue of Woman at the Wedding in Cana,” October 19-20, 2007, Camp Mowana, Mansfield, OH.
Women’s Retreat, “God’s Grace,” October 19-20, 2007, Camp Mowana, Mansfield, OH.
“Nursery Breakout Session,” September 15, 2007, Children’s Ministry Magazine Live Conference, Berlin, OH.
“Child Safety and Awareness of Child Sexual Abuse Issues,” June 20, 2007, Faith Lutheran Church, Mt. Vernon, OH.
“Graduation Charge,” June 3, 2007, Ontario Free Methodist Church, Mansfield, OH.
“Thinking Outside the Curriculum Plan,” March 10, 2007, LEAD Conference for Free Methodist Church, Mansfield, OH.
“Volunteers! You Can’t Live Without Them!,” March 3, 2007, Ohio Christian Education Association (OCEA) Conference, Akron, OH.
“Children’s Ministry: Protection Policy Guidelines,” March 3, 2007, Ohio Christian Education Association (OCEA) Conference, Akron, OH.
“Child Sexual Abuse and Prevention within the Nursery and Preschool,” Feb 3, 2007, Sarahsville Free Methodist Church, Sarahsville, Ohio.
“Equipping and Teaching Christian Leaders with Steps of Prevention against Child Sexual Abuse within the Church,” October 19-21, 2006 NAPCE Conference, Denver, CO.
“Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse Equals Prevention of a Child’s Spirituality: How Do Christian Leaders Respond to the Crisis?,” Children’s Spirituality Conference 2006, Concordia College, Chicago, IL.
“Policies, Procedures, and Protection,” 2006, LEAD Conference, Free Methodist Church, Mansfield, OH.
“Preparation for Children’s Ministry,” 2005, LEAD Conference, Free Methodist Church, Mansfield, OH.
“Ministry to MR/DD Persons in the Church,” 2003, Children’s Ministry Class, Ashland Theological Seminary, Ashland, OH.
“Ministry to MR/DD Persons in the Church,” 2002, Children’s Ministry Class, Ashland Theological Seminary, Ashland, OH.
“Policies and Procedures of Children’s Ministry,” 2000, Mt. Vernon Foursquare Church, Mt. Vernon, OH.
“Basics of Christian Education,” 1999, Mt. Vernon Foursquare Church, Mt. Vernon, OH.
“Basics of Youth Ministry – How to Pioneer a Youth Ministry,” 1998, Youth Leaders Retreat, Great Lakes District of Foursquare.
“Creative Computer,” 1998, Christian Education Conference, Minnesota Division of Foursquare Churches, Minneapolis, MN.
“Christian Life 101,” 1997 and 1998, Sr. High Camp, Great Lakes District of Foursquare.
“Children’s Ministry,” 1997, Christian Education Conference, Minnesota Division of Foursquare Churches, Minneapolis, MN.
“DeskTop Publishing for Ministries,” 1997, Christian Education Conference, Minnesota Division of Foursquare Churches, Minneapolis, MN.
SunRise Service, “A Cross, A Clothe, and A Crown,” 1996, Hope Temple Foursquare Church, Minneapolis, MN.
“Children’s Ministry and Disabilities,” 1996, Christian Education Conference, Minnesota Division of Foursquare Churches, Minneapolis, MN.
“Hot Topics,” 1996, Sr. High Camp, Great Lakes District of Foursquare.
Upcoming Presentations